How to lose weight fast



Lose weight (almost) effortlessly and above all, without sport 

Physical exercise? No thanks ! If sports procrastination is your credo, you can't stand sweating profusely, you don't particularly appreciate not being able to move the day after an intense activity or even feeling your face take on that pretty shade of 'a strong red that we all know, so take a little time to read the following because we think it may concern you.

Losing those extra pounds without going to the gym is entirely possible and guess what? We have put together a special survival guide for you with foolproof tips for going on the hunt for love handles, all without tiring you out too much. Too classy, ​​right?

But before you sink deeper into your couch, take 3 minutes to answer a few questions from our free body check . The result: free nutritional advice adapted to your goals and your way of life.

How is it possible to lose weight without sport?

You may be wondering: how on earth is it possible to lose weight without even stepping a quarter of a half foot into the entrance to a fully equipped torture chamber? Well, you should already know that food has a 70% impact on the effectiveness and sustainability of your hunt for excess pounds, while sport contributes 30%. Pretty cool, right? Well, this also means that the mystery is solved: in an ideal world, we should eat balanced and if possible, rather light and healthy.

It may seem a bit easy to say, but only by knowing your goal will you know if you have achieved it. Write in black and white where you want to go and it will help you find the ideal and unique path, based on yourself. A goal without a program is like a hairdresser without his scissors. If you really want to lose weight without exercising, it is important to follow a plan to stay within the framework you have set for yourself. And we even add here that just the fact of noting your daily progress will give you courage to not (re)give up on your efforts.

Lose weight without sport: our tips and tricks

It's no secret that a healthy, balanced diet helps you lose weight. But it's not always enough. Here are some suggestions – non-exhaustive list – to achieve the body of your dreams:

Your routine can become your ally

Without even being an inveterate sportsman, there are already plenty of situations in your daily life through which you can stay as active as possible. Do you spend time on the phone? Take the opportunity to walk. Do your days mainly spend sitting in front of a computer? Here too, there are small exercises that are easy to apply , neither seen nor known, to strengthen your muscles. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car a good 10 minutes from your meeting place, get off a metro station (or two) before yours, etc., etc…. These examples speak for themselves. Now it's up to you to apply them.

Eat slowly and mindfully

The typical lifestyle of the south and all countries around the Mediterranean is the one to adopt as soon as possible, of course. The key here? Take the time to taste and appreciate the contents of your plate! And even better: devour it with your eyes before tackling it. So, we know well, it is not possible at each meal to allow at least 20 minutes (roughly, the time for our brain to understand that it is full) to eat but it would be wise to do so as soon as possible, taking into account the hazards of your daily life.

Keep a logbook

Even without living on a boat, keeping a log of your meals or, more quickly, taking photos of them, allows you to keep track (literally) of what you eat every day and vary your diet.

Eat protein whenever possible

Proteins fill you up longer than carbohydrates. This is why it is necessary to remember to eat it every day. How much and how? This article tells you everything .

Get enough sleep

So we think we won't have to convince you much, are we wrong? Sleep, in fact, especially lack of sleep in real life, is of paramount importance because it can negatively impact your feeling of hunger or satiety. And we agree that getting enough sleep ensures your productivity during the day, no matter if you're still studying or if you're struggling with professional life. Lack of sleep also impacts the fact that you will probably tend to have more cravings and nervously snack on everything you can get your hands on to stay as awake as possible. On average, you should sleep between 7 and 8 hours per night (note, this is just general information, we recommend that you consult this articleto learn more about sleep). Need more advice on this topic? Find them here !

Useful snacking

So the good news is that you can still snack but you have to review the contents of your cupboards, so as to avoid the useless, that is to say anything that is less interesting “nutritively” speaking. or too fatty, too salty, too sweet. You will have understood: it is better to favor quality over quantity here. And above all, snacking should ideally be done in full awareness, like just eating, because otherwise, you will take "the risk" of ingesting tarte tatin after tarte tatin (or other joy of the same kind), without even noticing it. . The consequence ? Your stomach and brain don't have enough time to communicate with each other and this results in calories being taken without any further necessity.

Therefore, it's all about making smarter snack choices. That's exactly where our high-quality snacks come in.

We've created a range of snacks like our Protein Cookie and Protein Bar that are designed to fit seamlessly into your healthy lifestyle. These aren't just any snacks – they're packed with high-quality protein, fiber and essential nutrients, making them a beneficial addition to your diet.

Our Protein Cookie, for example, is a deliciously soft baked cookie with a high protein content that promotes muscle growth and recovery. It's the perfect snack for any time of day, whether you're at work, at the gym, or on the go.

On the other hand, our Extra Chocolate Protein Bar is a real treat for all chocolate lovers.

Drink water

Many people drink too little, even though it is recommended to drink regularly, between 1.5 and 2 liters per day (on average, for more information on the subject, click here ) . The next time you feel suddenly hungry, drink a large glass of water first. Who knows, maybe you were just thirsty?

Do you know the theory but still have trouble putting it into practice? This article gives you the keys to success in drinking enough water and even (almost) unconsciously.

Cook yourself and prepare your meals in advance

By cooking for yourself, you become more aware of what you eat and how much. We also regularly publish balanced recipes on our site in order to give our readers ideas for varying pleasures.

No time/desire to spend hours in the kitchen? So, meal prep is for you. This means that you prepare your meals in advance for several days. So, no need to put on your apron every day, because your balanced meals are guaranteed in advance.

Look for lighter alternatives to your favorite dishes

Eating healthier doesn't necessarily mean giving up everything you love. There are plenty of alternatives to all these delicacies and treats, pastries and other croissants so dear to our hearts. To find out more about them, take a look at our article on comfort food , with its waffles and other brownies, among others. Not a sugar tooth? No problem, all tastes are natural. We've thought of everything and our recipes page will give you lots of ideas like this delicious pasta gratin .

Find people with the same goal

The ultimate tip of the day: look for someone as motivated as you. Walking the journey together seems half as long and there will always be one to encourage the other in times that are a little more complicated to manage.