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5 common misconceptions about weight loss that are stopping you from reaching your goals

When browsing social networks, it is easy to find yourself confronted with ridiculous preconceived ideas about weight loss: anyone can improvise themselves as a nutrition expert under the pretext that he or she had acceptable grades in SVT at the college… But misconceptions about healthy weight loss also abound offline. It can therefore be difficult to disentangle fact from fiction. This poses a (potentially dangerous) problem for anyone trying to lose weight. 

To help you separate fact from fiction, we've decided to discredit the five most common misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. Our statements are based on recommendations and studies based on solid scientific principles, in order to save you from tedious research. We hope this makes your job easier. 

Misconception #1: To lose weight, you must not eat enough

Typically, experts recommend that people wanting to lose weight be in a calorie deficit, meaning they should take in fewer calories than they burn through exercise. Extreme calorie restriction is not necessary to achieve results, however, and can even cause a slowed metabolism , loss of muscle mass, and disruption of the gut microbiota . Such restrictions also risk causing a rebound effect: weight loss during the diet, then weight gain when it stops. This swinging phenomenon can have a huge impact on your heart healthInsufficient food intake also deprives the body of the energy and nutrients it needs to function properly. 

Most experts recommend weight loss limited to 500 grams or 1 kilo per week maximum, to ensure sustainability. To do this, simply reduce your daily food intake by around 500 calories (so, for a daily food intake of around 2,000 calories, you will need to go down to 1,500.) To get used to it, favor rich foods. in fiber and protein: you will be satisfied by absorbing fewer calories. 

Received idea #2: to progress physically, you have to mistreat your body

Dietary restrictions and extreme exercise regimes can backfire. Continuous training does not allow your body to recover or repair itself. This puts you at risk of injury and can disrupt your energy level, mood, and performance . In fact, the harder you are on your body, the more your performance in the gym (and in life) will be reduced

Instead, opt for a regular exercise routine that gives you at least one or two days of rest per week. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , the ideal is to do 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity and two days of strength training. To avoid routine and overtraining, consider varying the exercises and muscle groups worked. 

Misconception #3: To lose weight you have to stop snacking 

Afternoon snacks are one of life's greatest pleasures, and you don't have to give them up just because you want to lose weight. As long as the number of daily calories that you have set for yourself is respected, a weight loss approach goes perfectly with the consumption of healthy snacks. 

The general principle is to favor snacks rich in fiber and protein, and low in added sugars, saturated fats and salt . This will allow you to be sure that your snack is rich enough to avoid snacking, and that it is rich in nutrients. Some ideas: a handful of oilseeds with cheese or fruit, or vegetable sticks dipped in hummus or guacamole. 

That said, if you're constantly hungry and snacks aren't enough to fill you up, it's probably a sign that you're not eating enough during your meals, or that your meals are unbalanced. Pay attention to the composition of your menus if you want to achieve your goals.  

Are you looking for a ready-made snack? Our Protein Balls contain peanut proteins and whey proteins that will fill you up.  

Misconception #4: To lose weight, nothing beats “low-fat” and “low-fat” products

Diet products are often low-calorie (and therefore attractive to people wanting to lose weight) because they are low in fat. However, these products also tend to be higher in sugar than regular products  : if you remove the fat, you have to add something else to add flavor. 

Scientists eventually discovered that fat isn't so bad: although it may contain more calories than other macronutrients, it is essential for the digestion of fat-soluble vitamins . Fat is also essential for the synthesis of certain hormones and for supporting cellular function. Decades of research on low-fat diets have also demonstrated that it is the type of fat, not the amount consumed , that is important for weight and health. 

Moral of the story: don't be afraid of fats, because there are plenty of healthy fats that will help you achieve your weight loss and health maintenance goals. For example, peanut butter is high in calories, but it is also high in nutrients and can therefore be included in the list of foods to consume (in moderation), regardless of your diet. 

Misconception #5: Carbohydrates make you fat

In the age of ketogenic diets, carbs get a bad rap. However, they have their place in a healthy and balanced diet, especially since they are a crucial source of energy for the body . Many carbohydrate-rich foods also contain dietary fiber , which is important for digestion and gut health . 

However, foods made from refined carbohydrates (like white flour) often contain more sugar and less fiber , which can create blood sugar spikes and not keep you full for very long, and therefore lead to excessive food intake. (unless you combine them with foods rich in protein and fiber to restore balance). 

The problem does not arise when carbohydrates come from whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Complex carbohydrates, along with healthy fats and proteins, are the basis of a balanced, healthy diet . Prioritize them when eating carbs, and you'll more easily reach your goals.