How to Blog and Make Money Online [Step-by-Step Guide]



You Want to make money online ?

This article will explain how to start a blog and make money in Ghana.

We just talked about ways to make money online and even ways for students to make money online in Ghana. We told you in our post that one of the easiest ways to make money online is to blog, because you have many options when it comes to advertising.

There are many ways to make money with Blog, you can earn money from Google Adsense, sponsored posts, articles or even promote and monetize your products or other People products to your blog readers.

Since blogging is a profitable business, I decided to write this article on how to start a blog in Ghana. After reading this article you will be able to start making money by blogging in Ghana. I’ll take the time to tell you each step-by-step tutorial, take a break, grab the popcorn and get started.

Many people want to start a blog but often do not know where to start. If you have just started blogging and don’t know where to start, you are in the right place. There are many things to consider before starting a blog in Ghana, some things to consider are:

  • Is blogging right for you?
  • Can you fill in the details?
  • Are you ready to make money with AdSense?

Starting a blog is an easy thing, but many people start because they have no passion and often fail. Another started a blog hoping to make some easy money next week. While there are some challenges you will face when starting a blog in Ghana, they can be overcome if you are consistent and in this article we explain how to convince you of your blog’s success.

In this post I will talk about the challenges faced by new bloggers starting a blog and give you some tips to overcome them. This article attempts to explain the steps I took to complete my blog in Ghana. There are many things to consider when starting your blog in Ghana.

The first task is to have a good domain name and hosting server,

  • The first task is to have a good domain name and hosting server,
  • the second task is to choose the perfect WordPress theme,
  • and the last task is to know how to create content that interests you.

These are the three important steps every blogger goes through before getting started. But I know you will ask,

  • What is hosting?
  • What is the domain?
  • What’s the purpose?

Alright, let’s dig deeper (remember I promise you’ll learn everything by the end of this article).


There are many reasons to start a blog in Ghana. Here are some reasons to start a blog.

  • Make Money Online
  • Become Self Employed
  • Teach and Tell Your Audience
  • Sell Your Products
  • Blogging also gives you visibility and takes you everywhere (even on Google)


A blog is a website or web page written in an informal or discussion language, usually run by an individual or small group.

Who is Blogger?

A blogger is someone who writes articles and tips for a magazine or website.


The latest ways to start a blog in Ghana:

  • Choose Your Niche or Topic You Can Write About Choose
  • Choose A Domain Name
  • Choose Your Favorite CMS
  • Get good Hosting
  • Choose Your Favorite Topics
  • Write Good Content

  • Add Official Pages To Your Blog
  • Design Your Blog
  • Create Social Media Accounts For Your Blog
  • Submit Your Website To Google Search Console And Link Google Analytics To Your Blog
  • Monetize Your Blog


When starting a blog in Ghana, the first thing to consider is the type of blog you want to start.

  • How do you write?
  • What are you passionate about and write a lot about?
  • Love to have fun and want to write about popular stuff?
  • Or do you love to cook and want to start cooking?


There are many niches or blog topics to choose from, now let’s share some niches:

  • Technology Niche
  • With this niche, you can mobile phone, Twitter, Telegram or Instagram and category easily.
  • Home Improvement Niche
  • With home improvement, you can narrow it down to faucet reviews or bathroom tips for easy traffic.
  • Entertainment Niche – You can write about celebrities and I promise you, celebrity fans will come to your site.
  • Loan niche – With this niche, you can narrow it down to how to get a loan to build a house.
  • Cooking Tips Niche – You can teach people how to prepare local food or debunk some cooking myths.
  • Sports field – All you have to do is land in a league and cover all aspects of that league.

Start by identifying the type of niche you want to cover


The next thing to do is to choose a domain name or blog ID. The domain name becomes a URL (Universal Resource Locator). This is what people type into their browsers and Google to find you. domains or blogs in Ghana Example:


Registry domains, there are many Ghanaian and international domain registrations . You can buy it at Eastry.

Popular domain buying sites in Ghana:


Popular overseas domain buying sites:



Some ask what hosting is?

In simple terms, hosting means where your website data is stored. Hosting is like renting a house. You are the domain and you rent a room to sleep and store all your gadgets and stuff. Same as hosting.

Hosting is renewed annually, just like renting a house. Once you’ve got your domain name, the next step is choosing a good host. There are many hosting companies in and around Ghana, all you have to do is choose one that you can pay for and work with.

Best Hosting Companies to Work in Ghana:


If you want to host your website, even international websites, here are the best hosting companies.

Companies outside of Ghana.



Next, select your favorite CMS. CMS stands for Content Management System. A platform for creating blogs. There are many content CMS that can be used regardless of whether they are free or paid.

Some of the most popular CMS are:

  • Blogger (Free)
  • WordPress (Freemium)
  • Wix (Freemium)
  • And many more

With Blogger, just buy a domain or use a free .blogspot domain. You don’t have to worry about hosting or anything like that, but there are limitations and programming skills are required to fully use the platform. WordPress, on the other hand, also has a free version similar to Blogger, and a paid version where you can buy a domain, host it yourself and customize everything. You can do whatever you want with your blog.


The next thing to do is choose a theme and start creating your blog. WordPress has many free and paid themes, and it’s up to you to use a free or paid theme. You can use the WordPress theme for free or purchase it from ThemeForest if you want to purchase it.


In blogging they say “Content is king”, your blog is incomplete without good content.

What makes a blog popular?

It’s time to write good content that will attract more visitors to your blog from different search engines.


Next step is to add a legal page to your website. These are :

  • About Us Page,
  • Terms of Use Page,
  • Privacy Policy Page,
  • Disclaimer Page, and
  • Cookies Page Policy.

Google Adsense won’t approve your site without these pages and many advertisers don’t want to work without these pages, so you need these pages if you really want to make money from Google Adsense is. You may be wondering how to write these pages. But I have no legal experience and don’t know the conditions to write.

If you’re reading this article, don’t worry. Remember when I said at the end of this article, I will make your blog successful? Seriously, we make everything easy when it comes to starting a blog and making money in Ghana.

As for legal pages, there are many websites that will create these pages for free. Please use the following website to create a legal page:

  • To create a privacy policy for use on your website , CLICK HERE
  • To generate terms & conditions for your website, CLICK HERE
  • To generate a website disclaimer, CLICK HERE
  • To generate your cookie policy , CLICK HERE


It’s time to design your blog. These are some of the most important places to look as they determine how users interact with your blog and even search engines need to crawl these pages.

  • Your logo
  • Header
  • 404 page
  • Single post
  • Widget
  • Author page


The next thing is to create social media pages for your blog. For beginners, your blog must have a Twitter page, Facebook page, Instagram page, and Pinterest page.Make sure all these social channels are linking back to your website.It gives a strong signal to search engines like Google to know your blog is here to stay

SUBMIT YOUR WEBSITE TO VARIOUS SEARCH ENGINES(Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster, Yahoo and Yandex)

The next thing to do is submit your blog to various search engines so that they can access your website. For this, you need to submit your website to various search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo. You can choose to submit your site only to Google Search Console, other search engines will index your site as well.


Make Money From Your Blog

Now let’s move on to the steps to monetize your blog, we have taken all the steps to make money online in Ghana, the next step is to start monetizing your blog.


There are many ways to make money online by blogging in Ghana. Let’s dive into some of what they wrote.

  • Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an advertising platform that allows bloggers to earn money from the content that they write.

In order to earn money from Google Adsense, site owners must ensure they comply with Google’s policies before requesting a review. Once your site has been reviewed and approved by Google, Google will start displaying ads on your blog and you will be paid based on views and clicks.

  • Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to promote other people’s brands with your own referral link and get paid for it. So in affiliate marketing you write about the brand or product you want to promote and include your own referral link in that article. You will earn a commission when someone who reads your article purchases a product through your referral link.

  • Sponsored Posts

Sponsored Posts are known to be a daily bread for bloggers. With sponsored posts, other bloggers provide backlinks to their articles from your site via email. You can then calculate the required amount and provide the backlink.

  • Banner Ads

As blogging grows, many brands and businesses are contacting us to display banners on their sites. You can then charge any amount based on your blog traffic. Selling products If you have a product of his personal that you would like to sell, you can promote it on your website. I will add my number to each post.

  • Sell Products

If you have your personal products that you want to sell, you can promote them on your website, for me I sell laptops and I have many articles covering the best laptops to buy in Ghana, and in the article, I will display my laptops and add my number to each post

  • Sell Membership

You can make money from membership in Ghana, with this, you will create a unique article that will only be accessible to people that have made payment.


Starting a blog is not all that hard, now you can start a blog in and start making money from it because of how easy setting up a blog has become. I realised many people were finding it difficult to start a blog in Ghana, and because of that, I decided to cover this article.

In this article, you will find all the steps involved in starting a blog and monetizing it. In recap, here are all the steps to follow in order to start a successful blog and start making money:

  • Choose Your Niche Or The Topic You Can Write About
  • Pick A Domain Name
  • Choose Your Favourite CMS
  • Get A Good Hosting
  • Choose Your Favourite Theme
  • Write Good Content
  • Add Legal Pages To Your Blog
  • Design Your Blog
  • Create Social Media Accounts For Your Blog
  • Submit Your Site To Google Search Console And Connect Google Analytics To Your Blog
  • Monetize Your Blog
If you have any inquiries or you need a helping hand, you can visit the contact Us page and contact Me through WhatsApp and I will gladly assist you