

So you’ve decided to start a blog, you’ve followed the instructions from my previous blog post on How to Start a Blog, and you have a domain name and a new WordPress website. Congratulations! Now is the time to get started then!You can now start a WordPress blog and officially be a blogger right now 🙂.

Now you can start earning passive income every month. In fact, now you have to do a lot to start a blog with the best advice on SEO, usability, design and structure.

I created a checklist to start blogging that reflects best practices for 2023. Once you’ve installed WordPress and set up your web hosting, follow this checklist to make sure your website doesn’t crash in the future because you missed something important. important in the beginning. If you missed the setup part of your WordPress web hosting and blog, refer to my blog post on how to start a blog step by step guide before reading this checklist.



If we keep in mind the classic definition, a blog, which is abbreviated as “weblog“, is an online magazine or online source of useful information that can be updated at any time. Blogs are a great way for writers to publish their work, as well as for entrepreneurs to market their work or products. Blog material often includes text, images, videos, animated GIFs, illustrations, infographics, and more! Blogs are a great platform for discussing anything from major controversial topics to keeping a personal diary of your daily life. The length of the letter is entirely up to the owner: it can be short and casual or long and business-like.

Since 2019, there are over 600 million blogs from all over the world and over 31 million active bloggers who post at least once per month. And yes, the number of bloggers is growing every year. This means that blogging is still a very competitive business and it’s never too late to start blogging!The purpose and benefits of blogging.




The main function of a blog is to connect you with your audience. It serves as a platform that allows you to share information about yourself or your business. An electronic diary can help you develop a collection of articles for your personal use, especially if you are a student or an entrepreneur.

For a personal blog, this can be a safe space to share your thoughts, where friends and family can read.

For business purposes, blogging can help you communicate more information about your products and services to your audience and customers. It can also help you drive leads or prospects to your main website, online course, online store, and other websites. Blogging is a great tool for building a strong community and gaining the trust of your readers. Consistent blogging and developing quality content and materials will make your business more popular and people will start coming to your blog for advice, product/service recommendations, etc.

In short, you can build awareness and credibility for your business, product, or cause through blogging because you have the freedom to share more ideas about your brand.


Personally, I blog with WordPress because it is one of the easiest blogging platforms to understand and navigate. But there are also other blogging platforms like Wix or Squarespace, but for now I just want to focus on WordPress. I can give you many reasons why you should start a WordPress blog. But the most important reason is that you should start a blog if you want passive income, then you should start a blog now.

Blogs give us new opportunities to earn money by working from home and doing what we love. And if you’re a business, it’s also a great way to build your brand and generate brand awareness and recognition, as well as leads.

If you enjoy writing and helping others overcome their difficulties, then writing blog posts might be the perfect choice for you. If you run a service-based business, such as a virtual assistant or life coaching project, blogging is one way for potential clients to find out who you are and learn more about you!

Now you might be wondering, “How can I start a blog or write more blog posts to make money?” This makes sense because you might think blogging is dead, right?

But no, blogging is definitely more profitable when everyone (including businesses) is online!

A profitable blogger can make money from ads, promotions, site visitors, purchases, and more!

Trust me, blogging is simply the first step to growing your online profile as an entrepreneur or influencer. Your hard work will pay off. It’s time to get started and open a WordPress blog!


By permalink, we mean the URL structure of all your posts and pages. If you go to Settings > Permalink, check the default permalink settings.

If it is set to “date and name” or “month and name”, I want to change it to another option.

From SEO sites, it’s not the best URL structure because you can’t use your keywords in the URL. I specially recommend choosing the “article title” or a “custom structure”. The second type also allows you to add categories to the URL, which helps to maintain the structure of the site in the URL, but it is not necessary. I chose to keep the categories on my blog, many bloggers like to leave the “article title“.


By default, any WordPress blog has a “hello world” post and a “sample page“. These are just examples so you can see what your posts and pages look like, but it’s best to delete them.

All you need to do in this step 2 is to click on the Trash and then find these two items in the Trash folder to permanently remove them from your site.

If you are looking for an affordable web hosting provider or WordPress hosting company to start a blog, I would recommend Bluehost which I am using for this blog.When you use my link with Bluehost, I get a commission and you get web hosting + free domain name + free SSL certificate (https) for only $3.95 per month (basic package). For more information, see my disclosure here. You can use this handy tool from Bluehost to check if the domain name you are considering is available. They also have a live chat in case you need any help.


Here’s the time to think about the identity of your blog. This step is an important part of creating a blog.

If you want to start a blog, you must have a domain name. But what is a domain name, you ask?

Simply answer, a domain name is just the name of your website. A domain name is a unique, easy-to-remember name used to access a website. For example, ““, “” and others. In my case, is the domain or blog name of my website. If your site does not have a domain name, you and other users will need to enter an IP address to access your site, which is a string of numbers. Example: And let’s be honest, who has time to memorize all that, right?

When you think of a domain name, you need to ask yourself: What do you want it to stand for? Make sure your readers know what to expect from your blog with your domain once they get to it.

Your domain name could be a pun on your real name. Heck, it could just be your name, plain and simple.

Mine is which is pretty simple if you ask me. Creating a domain name is easy if you already have a location or goal in mind. I don’t recommend using a free domain name like ( because free domain blogging won’t make you much money because you won’t have control or access to your screen and other ads.


When you first started blogging, you probably already knew that WordPress is amazing, in part because it has tons of free and premium plugins that are constantly updated and make your life easier!

A plugin is an add-on for your WordPress blog that you can add with a simple download and installation process without having to write anything yourself. On the one hand, plugins help you edit static code, on the other hand, plugins make your blog heavy on coding, which means that the site speed can be greatly reduced if you have a lot of plugins or third parties.

You can also run into security risks from a plugin because when the bad guys want to find a way to crack your software, they will target your plugin first.

However, you cannot completely avoid using plugins. It just doesn’t make sense. Just make sure that you are using the best plugin on the market for each important feature.

I’m going to give you the names of some WordPress plugins that I consider essential for anyone starting a blog.

1 – Antispam Bee

Effectively blocks spam and tracking in comments and does not contain captcha. It’s free, ad-free, and compliant with European data security standards (it doesn’t store the user’s IP address). You can only use it with default WordPress comments, not plugins like Disqus or Jetpack comments.

You can choose to set that when a commenter is approved, their other comments are automatically accepted without review.

2. Yoast SEO

This is an add-on that helps you take care of the standards of high ranking business (search engine) admins in every WordPress post and blog in general.

SEO is essential for your blog in the long run, as it ensures that people searching on Google will be able to find your post somewhere in the top results for relevant keywords.

3 – UpdraftPlus

This is currently the highest rated backup plugin on, with a free version. Cloud backup (Amazon S3 (or compatible), Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace Cloud, DreamObjects, FTP, OpenStack Swift, UpdraftPlus Vault ed e-mail) and one-click backups.

4 – Grow plugin by Mediavine


That I use on my blog to add social buttons to each post. It is highly customizable and I recommend you to get the paid version because it allows you to recover your social sharing data if you lost it after changing the plugin and allows you to set the template. The description of your Pinterest Pins is optimized with hashtags, they will be automatically applied to all the images on your page . Grow is one of the best blogging tools on my list.

5 – GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin
All WordPress blogging sites use cookies. If you use an affiliate link, you provide cookies to your users.

Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website that contains your personal information (i.e. each signup/login process).

Cookies are placed in the browser to store login information and to identify customers/visitors. It is important to have a cookie consent policy on your website as it respects user privacy and follows global practices.

The approval of the cookie can be installed from the gross domestic product and run it in WordPress SLOP Search. You can easily customize their signs, locate and text. The paid version costs $30 per year for one site and huge discounts on 5 sites if you manage multiple blogs.


This is a bit of a conundrum as there’s no recommended limit, but there’s one positive thing which is: the more plugins you have, the slower your site will run. Page load time is a very important performance metric for your website. Not only can users get frustrated and leave your blog before the page fully loads, but also search engines, especially Google, evaluate this trait and add it to the set of factors affecting blog rank of a website.

When choosing a plugin to install, always do your research first, because for whatever feature you need, there are at least 10 plugins available and you should choose the plugin with regular updates, excellent user ratings, and excellent user ratings. It’s best to have a community of people who use this plugin and can answer your questions if you need help.



They have beautiful ready-made templates in all categories including a Pinterest template! Honestly, Canva saves your time and energy because you don’t have to spend countless hours experimenting with layout and design c

This way, you won’t have to spend a lot of time creating eye-catching designs that can take up your day and focus instead on optimizing your WordPress blog.


If you are not an experienced writer and you know that you often make grammatical errors in your blog posts, don’t worry. This is completely normal.

Grammarly is a lifesaver, and I’m not even exaggerating. This plugin can correct grammar and spelling errors and even suggest better words and phrases!

3. Google Analytics.

In general, Google Analytics tracks how many people visit your website. But they also give you more than that.

Google Analytics also gives you the amount of time your audience spends browsing your blog and demographics (eg country they’re from, gender, etc.).

This is a really necessary tool to see if your website is doing well and if you need to change any plans in your strategy.


Once you have your website and a large amount of content published, you will want to post it on ALL social networking sites, which is not wrong. I recommend creating a Facebook page and Instagram and Twitter accounts for your website in case someone has the same name as you.

However, I do not recommend focusing on all social networking sites when you are just starting out, as it will confuse and tire you. And sometimes you have to spend a lot on Facebook on Instagram if you want to promote your posts.

Pinterest is the primary platform for bloggers and content creators when you want to attract readers and free traffic. Create a pinned post on your content and upload it to Pinterest. And it’s also free!

Pinterest isn’t always only a social networking platform, however additionally a seek engine web website online so that you can say that the human beings on there are trying to find something. Most likely, one in all your posts will deliver them the solution they’re searching for. Remember to apply eye-catching snap shots and font fashion while you make your pins!


Save yourself the stress of getting your files corrupted when you save them to your desktop. I list all my topic ideas in Google Sheets and write content in Google Docs, all stored in my Google Drive. You won’t have to worry about losing your writing when using Google Docs because it automatically saves your progress. Alternatively, you can bulk download files from Google Drive to your desktop as a zip file.

Having Google Drive can also free up space on your laptop as you can also upload pictures and videos to your drive.


This is one of the top SEO tips that a lot of new bloggers overlook. It’s easy enough to set up, but sometimes people blog for months and only then notice that in Google results they have the default WordPress text next to the link from their site.

When thinking about the title and description tag for your blog, don’t forget to add a few keywords, helping users and Google understand the main topic of your site.

You can set up your blog title, go to Settings – General and on that page the first thing you see is the blog title. You can also set this in the SEO plugin if you are using Yoast SEO, find the Title & Metas section and go to the Home tab.



Due to the nature of blogging, readers want to communicate with you and ask questions through the comments below your posts. We don’t recommend disabling comments on your blog, but we do want some restrictions on commenters as we can’t afford to receive a ton of spam that often comes between genuine comments. I can’t afford to delete comments to monitor 24 hours spam.

On my blog, I always receive moderated comments and manually approve someone to publish under my posts. Of course, it takes time, but you can at least spend 20 minutes a day commenting, and you don’t have to worry about spammers attacking your blog all the time.

Scroll down the discussion settings and check the boxes according to your preferences.



After registering your domain name and blog with a web hosting company or WordPress hosting, once you have the basics of WordPress in place, It’s time to choose a WordPress theme or web design to make your blog beautiful.

You’ve probably noticed that your nascent blog looks like a template page. It has a pretty bland default WordPress theme.Not pretty and doesn’t reflect your personality or blog topic, right?

Because it’s time for the next step – choosing a WordPress theme and web design for your blog. Honestly, the blog design part is my favorite part of setting up a personal blog. WordPress has free themes and paid themes that can be used without coding knowledge.

And in case you suppose it’s miles hard, then don’t worry due to the fact a few subject matters have a setup wizard characteristic to help you with everything.

A free default WordPress theme for your website is not something you want your blog to maintain for a long time. it doesn’t work well. This is because search engines do not appreciate websites that appear to be mere copies of millions of other websites without an original.

Also, having a premium (paid) WordPress theme than a free theme solves for you many money-making tasks because they usually have a structure and features that help you in generating revenue from your content.

So where do we start? There is one platform that is highly rated by most bloggers, from beginners to pros. It’s Genesis Framework. To explain what it is, I’ll use the analogy of a Barbie doll.

The Genesis framework is the plastic body of the toy, which is the base, and can be of any type to make the doll look nice. You can choose clothes.These are children’s theme.

The Genesis Framework is developed by a company called StudioPress. They also offer their own child themes. I can share a nice hack if you like it. Discounts apply when you purchase WordPress themes bundled with the Genesis Framework.

We do not recommend StudioPress premium themes unless you are confident that you are providing a reliable product with professionally written code. If you decide to make changes to your blog later, customization is not too complicated.

Once you downloaded a WordPress theme, the installation is quite simple. Head to Appearance > Themes.


One of my favorite activities related to blogging. I check charts and numbers and analyze which posts work best for my audience and which buttons on the site are more likely to be clicked.

You can track almost anything! How many visitors are coming to your website? Where are they? What traffic sources are they coming from? And it’s so much fun to watch the traffic grow over time . For this reason, you should set up the Google Analytics code on your blog as soon as possible.

Google Analytics is free and the most powerful tool. Sign up for an account here to get your tracking code. Google has clear instructions on where to put the code, but to keep the code short it should be placed before the closing <head> tag.



Start with this specific order. In my opinion, a basic information page should be on your blog from day one. Because it’s the main place readers really get to know you and decide if they should come back to this blog.

About page

Don’t be shy, be yourself!

Honest bloggers who don’t pretend to be anything but their true selves are getting more and more attention. People immediately get a real sense of the story and tend to follow you and your updates. We encourage everyone to be honest from day one and change their About Us page over time. Avoid the following mistakes.

Avoid the following mistakes

  • If written in third person, this is not a Wikipedia article about you.
  • Make your About page too generic and impersonal.
  • Prepare only long texts with no images or pictures.


If you’re serious about blogging, you can’t ignore or forget about these sites. Affiliate networks, Google Adsense, and other ad monetization partners all have legal requirements and regulations that require bloggers to clearly disclose that they are making money from links, banners, posts, etc.

Advertising companies such as Network Media help keep websites regulated. They offer a consent management platform and have a team ready to help with any other questions you may have.

I know it can be very tedious and confusing to put these pages together.Don’t spend too much time on them. It should be fairly generic. Of course, you’ll have to put them in your own words, but here’s a disclosure policy generator that you may find helpful.


As a beginner, you probably want to start with a free service. Choosing MailChimp gives you free tools for up to 2000 subscribers, including automated campaigns! However, I’ve already moved over to Convertkit. This is a highly recommended service with the best automation features and more sophisticated tools than MailChimp.

Important detail: Convertkit lets you find a setting to disable double opt-in, but MailChimp doesn’t let you get around it. I noticed that it lost 60% of all subscribers due to the double opt-in (where the user has to confirm the subscription after receiving the first email from me)!

In most cases, the confirmation email ends up in the spam folder or the user simply doesn’t want to take the extra step. This issue has been resolved in Convertkit.


For search engine optimization reasons, we recommend creating a sitemap file for every blog. This file helps the Google search robots better understand the structure of your blog and crawl it more efficiently.

If you followed the previous steps in this blog post, you should already have the Yoast SEO plugin installed on your WordPress blog. Now all you have to do is find the sitemap in the plugin settings.

Just click Enable and the plugin will automatically generate a sitemap file according to your settings. You can go to taxonomy settings and choose whether to use categories, tags, etc. As well as your sitemap file.

You are not using the Yoast SEO plugin, another useful plugin is Google XML Sitemaps.

As soon as your file is created, all you have to do is go to Google Webmaster Tools (it’s a free tool, if you haven’t signed up yet, do it ASAP) and submit the URL of your sitemap to Google.

You’ll find it under Crawl -> Sitemaps. Sitemaps generated by Yoast SEO always have a URL ending in /sitemap_index.xml.


Most websites have a small image that appears next to the blog page title in the browser tab. This small image is called a favorite icon, it can be made from your blog’s logo or if it doesn’t look good when scaled to a small square you can get creative and come up with something counterproductive. Reflect your website theme.

Many bloggers forget about fashion and then a default WordPress theme image appears next to their websites, making them all look the same. These sites look very unprofessional just because of one small detail and are easy to miss completely!

Favicon is always visible in browser tabs and helps users recognize and remember your blog page better.

The size of the favicon is 32px by 32px, you need to find a way to make your favicon stand out and look good with such a small size. After creating the image, change the file extension to a .ico file.

Then go to WordPress and find how to upload your favorite icon under Appearance -> Customize. Depending on your WordPress blog theme, the tab where you can change the favorites icon may have different names. In the X-Theme I’m currently using, it’s called Site Icons.


A good blog will always have a contact form for people to contact them.

Contact forms are an essential part of your blog, especially if you are an entrepreneur or service business. Basically, a contact form is a form where your blog site readers or visitors can enter their details and ask you a question or request about something or if they need help. .

Contact forms are also a great way for you to start conversations and build community with your readers.


There are no limits when it comes to earning passive income or making money with your blog.

Join our affiliate program and put affiliate links in your blog posts, build a community and get a large number of website visitors, then sell your own courses or e-books, earn money through your website – through advertising Earn and earn sponsorships to partner with other companies.

Sure, you may have zero views after publishing your first blog post, but if you’re consistent with your posts and marketing strategy, you can make money quickly.

If you are a small business owner or manage an e-commerce store, a blog can help generate traffic for his website, email leads, or sales for his online store. You can also provide specialized consulting services. For example, we offer blog and Pinterest marketing consulting. This will help you build your reputation as a blog and Pinterest marketing expert.


If you’ve just started a brand new blog, you can already imagine the day when your blog will help you make money while you sleep. The good news is, yes it will happen someday. But to make it faster, here are some strategies that beginner bloggers and long-time successful bloggers use to make money from their blogs.

I would like to emphasize that if you want to monetize your blog, you should go for a paid WordPress self-hosted plan. If you choose free domain hosting or web hosting only, you will not be able to use display ads or some widgets. There are some web hosting companies like Bluehost that are highly recommended and famous by bloggers.

Unless your blog is self-hosted or a self-hosted WordPress plan, your options for personalizing your blog are very limited. This requires its own domain.


The easiest way to monetize your blog is to place ads on your blog. For beginners, Google Adsense and are great starting points. However, be aware that their salaries are very low and it will take time before they can make a decent living.

The worst thing you can do to make an additional buck a day on advertisements is to litter your site with ad blocks and lose your audience’s confidence. Because of all the advertisements, your website will load extremely slowly.

Maintain a sense of balance and respect.

That’s actually what people ask me quite a lot.If I have display ads on my site, do I have control over which pages my ads appear on and where they sell affiliate or own products? Yes. You can also turn off display ads entirely on individual pages.

I’ve done this in all of my blog tips and Pinterest marketing tips posts.


Many bloggers prefer affiliate marketing as a monetization approach due to its simplicity and quick passive income. Simply defined, affiliate marketing is promoting a product or service to an audience with a unique tracking link. You earn a referral commission when a viewer buys something from your link. Simply like that!


If you already have a product or business, you can start selling it right away through your blog. You can easily add shop and product/service pages to your blog so your readers can quickly see what you have to offer.

You can sell physical or digital products such as e-books, graphic design elements, music, photos, etc. You can also offer online tutoring, web development, graphic design, or even blogging services as a service.



This monetization method emphasizes the need to include a contact page on your website. An advertiser, such as a business or small business, will contact you through your website’s contact page or email his address if he or she determines that you are eligible to sell their products or services.

You can set a unique price for your blog posts to make them stand out. You can either wait to hear from the advertiser or do a comparative study with other blogger advertisers and make that your point of sale.


Once you’ve got got determined to begin a WordPress weblog and already completed placing the whole lot up, your subsequent circulate now could be to begin a weblog publish !

A weblog publish is basically a textual content piece or article, a picture, an infographic, or a group of motion pictures which you publish or post for your blog .

It is essential to apprehend that the extra regularly you replace or post , the much more likely your visitors will go back for your site.

Of course, your postings’ content material should be applicable for your brand. It could be beside the point to post a bit on automobiles or era on a style weblog .

Nobody will consider you in case you say that.You have to most effective publish on subjects in that you have revel in and are cushty speaking.


Please select only one topic of particular interest. If you don’t like what you’ve written, you may quickly become exhausted and give up blogging.

Think about the content of your blog. You do this most of the time, so focus on what you love.

Some profitable blog topics are:

  • Lifestyle & Travel
  • Beauty and Fashion
  • Career
  • Finance / Budgeting
  • Food
  • Health & Fitness
  • Tech

Covering multiple niches (lifestyle, career, self-help, blogging) like I do, or more focused niches like budget-friendly travel, blogging organic recipes, DIY home decor, and pet care.

You can also go The sky is the limit! Write about what you love and believe in. That way, your readers will stay interested and continue to trust your words.


Now is the time to start. Now it’s time to write a blog post. We generally recommend publishing at least 10 articles before you officially open your blog to the public and start promoting it.

Having a particular number of published posts will help you keep users because they have more content and articles to read.

To keep your blog posts and ideas structured, I recommend creating a content strategy. I use Google Sheets, which is both free and simple to use.

Publishing a certain number of posts will help you retain your users as they will have more content and articles to read. I recommend creating a content strategy to structure your blog posts and ideas. We use Google Sheets, which is free and easy to use.

If you’re just starting out, here are some ideas for writing and structuring your blog posts.

  • Tutorials, step-by-step guides, and guides: Explain difficult activities in a step-by-step and easy-to-understand way. This guide you are reading now is a good example of a tutorial. You can start from step 1 and so on.
  • Listicles: Listicles are always one of the most shared posts on the web because they are simple and easy to understand. These lists compile the best recipes, fashion trends, and more.
  • Controversial Topics: Talking about controversy may draw some people to your WordPress site, but be careful! Watch your language and don’t be mean prize.


This is probably one of the most important factors to consider and learn if you want to create a successful blog. Doing keyword research will help Google show you search results faster.

When a user enters a specific question or keyword into the search box (for example, “how to start a blog”), having that keyword in the title, headline, and body of your blog post will result in search results and such users.

I can see your blog post! There are several free WordPress SEO plugins like Yoast SEO to guide first time bloggers. However, you can also do keyword research by simply entering a keyword or topic and seeing Google’s suggested keywords.ANSWERS

You can use these keywords and phrases in your blog posts.


Users will likely visit your blog post because they need answers to their questions. So it’s your job not to let them down.

You can add a table of contents to your blog posts for easy navigation. Placing a table of contents at the beginning of your post helps readers identify the outline of your post and jump from heading to heading depending on the answers they are looking for.


Of course, you can wait for readers to discover your work, but there’s no harm in asking for parts. This could be at the bottom of a post that says “thank you for sharing“. Alternatively, you can include social media plugins that allow users to click social media icons and be redirected to your blog’s platform (posts to share).


The 80/20 rule is recommended by prominent bloggers. That means he spends 20% of his time and effort on creating content and the other 80% on promotion.

Honestly, what’s the point of creating this great information if no one reads and appreciates it? Pinterest will be your best friend as a beginner blogger. It is free and acts as a search engine for online users.

Bloggers get nearly 100,000+ views every month just by promoting their blog content on Pinterest! Business on Pinterest He just creates an account, creates an aesthetically stunning vertical pin for a blog with a catchy title, publishes it on Pinterest and sees the traffic skyrocket.


Reach out to your email list / Email Marketing

95% of people who visit the web for the first time never return to a WordPress site. That means you need to connect with them and constantly remind them that you and your blog exist.

One of the best ways to engage with your audience and encourage them to come back to your site, is create an email newsletter.

Emailing your readers can help you market your blog in a number of ways, including increasing traffic and backlinks, getting mentions in the press, and providing guest articles on prominent blogs.

Without a doubt, email marketing is the most convenient approach to building personal relationships with important people in your field. Apart from that, sending emails is another way to generate additional income from your blog. Strategy.

Be careful not to spam just offers or links. Make your email messages fun and helpful with a few suggestions. Then it will work.

As your blog grows, keep adding to the list and your income will follow. collaborate with other bloggers Reach out to other bloggers or comment on blog posts.

When you comment, your blog will appear in the comments section and other readers will have access to your blog. Fellow bloggers can also help monetize their blogs by joining our affiliate program.

These can take the form of purchasing their courses and asking them to make you an affiliate.Most courses offer the opportunity to become an affiliate upon completion of the course.

Another is to promote your blog further, showcasing your niche and what you mainly post. This allows other bloggers to contact you directly to collaborate and become affiliates of your courses and products.


That’s it, you can get started and set up 10 important details that will shorten your blog’s path to success. We wish you the best with your new blog.

I hope you find this list of things that many new bloggers completely forget in the first few months helpful!

If you don’t need to grow fast and don’t mind working at your full time 9-5 job for a lot longer, you can totally keep reading my emails and posts because I also share tons of free advice. It’s just a matter of how FAST you want to grow your blog and income.

Take care, good luck, and happy blogging!
