How to become a well-known YouTuber? 11 steps to success


Everyone seems to think that there is no longer any point in launching their YouTube channel because all the places are already taken. We do not hide from you that you are more likely to win at a Japanese game show than to become really famous on YouTube. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have your piece of the pie.

The incredible and rapid success of YouTubers has led marketers to change their approach. Video and social media are now an integral part of their strategy. Every brand is looking for the next rising star, or simply someone influential enough in a field of activity. That’s where you come in. Everything is possible for those who have something to say and the desire to get there.

We put your foot in the stirrup, here are the 11 steps to follow to become a successful YouTuber:

01. Define “success

Many people associate fame with money, but it’s much more than that. If you make a fortune with a job you hate, can you say you’ve succeeded even if you’re not fulfilled? Success can take many forms. And it’s up to you to know when you feel you’ve succeeded in life. Are you looking to be invited on TV sets or simply to increase your reach and engagement? Whatever it is, focus on your goal, the rest is just a bonus.

02. Find relevant content

YouTube makes videos. There are some quality ones and others… downright bad. To stand out in this ocean of content, you need to constantly keep paddling and keep your head above water. But on top of that, you need a plan to reach the coast. Designing your content is the cool part, but know that it’s also a full-time job. This is when you set the voice of your channel. Even if it’s just you and your camera, you’re building your brand, which will make you stand out. Our best advice is to be yourself. There’s nothing wrong with doing a little more to add pep to your videos. Be careful, however, not to fall into excess, you risk doing “fake” and losing your fans.

You need to decide what kind of content you’ll offer on your channel. You are spoilt for choice: tutorials, humorous videos, reviews. Next, figure out how to make your videos unique using your personality. Depending on what you’ve chosen as themes, make sure you can cover trending topics. Don’t miss any important news and ride the wave when possible. In any case, it is important to remain relevant and in line with your values. This is what will differentiate you from your competitors.

03. Make a plan

Once your content type is set, make a schedule to complete your project. Think of it as a business plan and consult it regularly to make sure you stick to it. It can also be a checklist of the elements needed to design your YouTube channel, including all the material you’ll need to produce quality videos. This is a good time to find out if someone else will be involved in your channel. Prepare a realistic schedule for your posts, gather topics for your content, and always follow this schedule consistently.

04. Make your page attractive

You know what’s not cute? An incomplete YouTube profile. Even on social networks we must not forget good manners. Since the medium is visual, the presentation is essential. It’s not enough for your content to be up to date. The photo or logo of your Youtube profile must be placed in the right place and the banner image of your channel must be properly sized. You also need to think about the style of your video thumbnails. Is there a design that you constantly reproduce? To make sure all your elements are positioned and the right size, check out our guide to social media sizes. It’s a gift!

05. Beware of SEO

The SEO of your YouTube videos is crucial. Since you’ve taken the time to create quality videos, let the world know. YouTube is a very sophisticated search engine and people use it a lot to discover new content. So by choosing the right keywords, you will increase your chances of being found, seen and appreciated. If there are videos similar to the ones you want to create, check out the exact terms you entered to make them appear. Then try a slight variation, you will see that the results change by simply changing a word or two. Research the keywords you want to use, their popularity, and those used by your competitors.

06. Be consistent. Really consistent!

No matter how many tips you’ve read about how to hit YouTube, this one is crucial. You have to be consistent to succeed. It’s that or betting on instant viral success. Don’t get me wrong, this would be a great opportunity, but it’s extremely rare. No matter what type of content you produce, stay consistent with your timing. Schedule your video posts and try to stick to them. Putting them online always on the same day at the same time not only tells your audience when they will be able to discover your new content, but it also gives you a timeline to keep.

You must also respect your style. Imagine that you follow a pastry channel on YouTube where you find recipes, and suddenly, the last episode is about the Tour de France. By changing the theme or even approach, you risk baffling your fans and losing some of them. If you really want to take that risk, it’s best to warn your audience first.

07. Get straight to the point

You know what’s absolutely useless for a YouTube video? Explain for five minutes an element that you can (and will) present to your visitors in 30 seconds. It’s funny phrased like that, isn’t it? Unfortunately, this is terribly common. People are in a hurry, so you have to be direct. If you publish tutorials, it is essential to get straight to the point. Indicate what the video is about and get to the heart of the matter right away. The goal is to “show” something to people – if they just wanted to listen, they would use a podcast. Of course, sometimes more clarification will be needed, but save that for later in the video. Your audience will thank you.


08. Follow trends in your domain

When you introduce yourself to your audience, you want to be seen as an expert in your industry. You must therefore know the news of your industry and the competition. This allows you to create relevant and fresh content for your users. Watching other people’s videos can give you ideas before creating your own. Thus, you can add with a counter-argument (if you like dramas) or put your personal touch. This is a way to establish yourself as a reference for those who want to know everything about a particular topic

09. Manage your community

If you measure success via the number of followers, your followers are worth gold. So treat them as such. It’s not just about responding to their comments and liking them. Community Management is a job in its own right.

A good way to instantly interact with your followers is to make a live video. Live is becoming more and more popular since you can exchange directly with your visitors and present yourself more spontaneously. Consider YouTube for Q&A sessions. You can ask your visitors to send their messages in the comments and you reply to them during the video. You also need to get involved with your community on other social media. This is a good way to take advantage of multiple platforms and target new audiences.

Here are some ways to grow your community:

  • Always link one social network to another. A properly placed CTA in your videos can help.
  • When you publish a new video, announce it on your other channels and don’t forget to add a link to it.
  • Create a blog to boost your community.
  • Start a forum to continue the discussion.
  • Send newsletters using Wix ShoutOut to promote your weekly blog, make announcements or updates.


10. Make yourself known with a website

When your main content is created for YouTube, it’s hard to place your brand elsewhere. Of course, you can share your videos on other social networks – and it’s recommended. But there’s another way to expand your reach: a video site.

The advantage of having a site for your videos is that you manage everything, from A to Z. You’re not limited to what a social media platform has to offer. With Wix Video, you can easily sync your YouTube channel to your site, allowing for seamless integration of your videos on your website. This means more views directly from your site. You can also sell your videos, rent them, or even offer a monthly subscription. And all this, without any commission.


11. Use analytics

Even the best can always do better. YouTube offers a section dedicated to analyzing your channel to measure the performance of your videos. Analytics will allow you to get insights into the people watching your movies and better target your audience. You’ll also know why one video worked better than another. It’s a powerful tool that you need to take advantage of to get to the forefront.

Ready to showcase your videos online? Check out our article on how to create a YouTube channel and upload your videos to YouTube.