
 As an entrepreneur, you provide products and services for a specific target. Thanks to the implementation of a digital strategy, you can reach this target optimally by using social networks such as Instagram.

The management of one or more professional accounts can be very tedious in this context, without a certain method.Instagram bots are an alternative to this type of problem, but there are several. In these early days, few people saw Instagram as a real way to improve their visibility.

Today, Instagram has made its way and has become a great way to make yourself known around the world. The rivalry on Instagram has become compelling.

Very recently, new tools very specific to Instagram appeared on the web. Starting from scratch and without great technical skills, these tools allow you to develop a real community around you.How to do it?

By using the classic techniques of follow/unfollow and engagement with this community. We have tested these instruments.

These tools will allow you to automate unattractive tasks with low added value.

So you will have time to focus on the essential, that is to say, to offer quality content to your audience. Discover the features and means of acquisition of some of these bots that will allow you to better manage your social activity and thus boost your professional activity in the best conditions.


Instaboss is a French service that was invented in 2018, which allows you to automate your Instagram from A to Z. It is a tool that offers classic features that can be expected from such a tool. With Intaboss, you can automate follows and unfollow. You can also automate the scheduling of your posts, reposts, stories, and albums as well as replies to your private messages.The real added value lies in 2 aspects that are highlighted by the solution:

  • A personalized follow-up for your Instagram strategy by the Instaboss service. They undertake to follow you throughout the acquisition period of your first 1000 subscribers.
  • An algorithm adapted and respectful of the restrictions imposed by Instagram, in terms of the number of daily actions granted. A process that allows you to keep your account healthy and safe from spam.

Finally, a proxy is given with your subscription, at no other cost! A unique and exceptional advantage among all Instagram bots. The subscription to Instaboss starts at a very affordable rate for the basic offer.


Propulse is not a bot like the others, since it is actually a marketing agency specializing in Instagram that uses its in-house bots to boost the popularity and engagement of a profile.

ProPulse has come up with a unique method of account automation, so the whole process is done without advertising or organic work.

The agency targets potential customers and subscribers for you and all the work is based on the interactions generated by the agency’s automated accounts (follows, likes, messages, etc.) that will serve to boost your account according to the objective you have defined beforehand (growth, prospecting, virality, etc.).


Jarvee is no longer to be introduced. It is the most popular bot dedicated to social networks. It is a bot that helps automate multiple social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Jarvee is very useful because it helps to make optimal settings for your Instagram bot.

These include:

  • the hours of activity of the robot;
  • the maximum or minimum number of people to be followed per day;
  • Time allowed between each action.

These very powerful and optimal settings allow Jarvee to give the impression that it is a human behind the activities of your account. Running a bot at 4 a.m. to follow hundreds of pages is not natural and can quickly be detected as spam.


The Instagram Social Captain bot is a smart tool that actively helps you build a strong community of people who are genuinely interested in your content. It is a tool that can manage one or more Instagram accounts at a time.

When you start using it, you will have to choose whether or not you want to enable automated features such as follow, unfollow, likes and comments. These features can all be automated if desired.The bot allows you to interact with your followers and targets, even while away. You give the illusion of being active, which is a great thing for your image on the social network. The little plus of this bot is that it offers you the possibility to filter the accounts that interest you.

The filters are based on a certain amount of relevant information (age, gender, types of content published) that allow the bot to effectively determine the best people you can follow to increase your number of followers and in turn, your engagement rate.

The Advantages of F This Bot :

  • Easy to use platform, even for a beginner;
  • Advantageous price offers (pack for one week at 13.50 EUR, pack for one month at 35 EUR and unlimited pack per month at 89 EUR);
  • Filters allow optimal targeting;
  • Ftatistics are constantly generated by the bot to allow you to follow the progress of your account;
  • Uses artificial intelligence to adapt to your needs.

The disadvantages of the bot:

  • Improper setting of your account’s automated features may cause a frequency of activity that may discredit your account;
  • Interaction with other accounts is extremely delicate and must be well controlled so as not to induce the opposite effect to that intended, namely, the loss of followers.


The Jeffrey Instagram bot is a professional account management tool designed to make you gain visibility. The key goal that allows you to achieve this bot is the gain of followers. By using this service, you have access to simple tips and tricks to improve your Instagram account.

But you are also required to inform targets. These are Instagram accounts whose visibility is approximately ideal for you to reach. This is the axis on which the entire strategy implemented by the bot is based, since it will, from this moment, use the so-called follow/unfollow technique.

It consists of following the target accounts identified by you and liking some of their publications in order to attract their attention and arouse their interest. The bot then stops tracking targets after a few days after making you gain the follow-up of your account by them.

The advantages of using this bot:

  • monthly gain of real and active followers;
  • as useful to a fledgling business as to an already established brand, looking for evolution;
  • Ability to follow your audience on a dashboard to better understand the desires of your followers;
  • the progressive rates of the service (from 19.99 euros per month to 49.99 euros per month depending on your needs) are very competitive and the offer is non-binding;
  • Possibility to subscribe to available offers after 3 days of free trials offered.

The disadvantages of the bot are:

  • the follow/unfollow used by the bot, is an “aggressive” technique likely to alter your image in the eyes of your followers;
  • incorrect target information induces a selection of followers distorted by the bot;
  • The bot does not target accounts based on specific criteria such as the language or nationality of followers.


Coming straight from France, Alfred is an Instagram bot that is very popular with users. Very easy to access, less expensive and offering the necessary features for a beginner in task automation on Instagram, Alfred is a treasure.

We would gladly recommend it to those who want to take their first steps with a bot.Everything is in there: automation of likes, follow, unfollow, dm, repost, development statistics, multi-accounts and automated calculation of engagement rates and future forecasts. Subscription to Alfred’s offers is from 9.9€/month.

The devices proposed for automating tasks are either hashtags or places or people. Tracking settings favor the choice of accounts with a minimum number of subscribers, types of private or public profiles, professional or not, etc.


The Boost Your Moment tool provides you with a platform that allows you to automate your Instagram account(s). This saves you a lot of time to work while being active enough on your Instagram account(s).

For rates between 14.90 and 27.90 euros per month, the features offered by the bot aim to make your account interact with your followers in an automated way. These are auto follow, auto unfollow, auto repost, auto like, auto comment and auto DM.

Auto follow allows you to automatically subscribe to accounts that react to your publications in order to get them to subscribe to you in return. It allows you to automatically unsubscribe from accounts that do not follow you.Auto repost consists of republishing a given content at a specific time chosen by you. Auto like is a feature that automatically makes you like posts of accounts you follow thanks to the auto follow function.

Auto comment is the feature that gives your account the most credibility. It allows the bot to comment on content on your behalf, just as you would have done yourself. And thus helps convince your followers that you are a real person who interacts with them.

Finally, the auto DM is the function that allows you to send private messages to certain people.

Advantages of the bot:

  • training by an e-marketing specialist to optimize your use of the bot;
  • gain visibility through automatic interactions;
  • Ergonomic platform and very easy to use.

Disadvantages of the bot:

  • the features are to be activated according to an qinformed setting in order to avoid discrediting your followers;
  • the 3-day trial version is not enough to really appreciate the bot;
  • the bot may sometimes have some bugs;
  • Inactive customer support.


The first Instagram bot to hit the market in 2016, Instazood is an Instagram bot that does its job well. It is a bot whose functionalities are very simple and classic. There are basic features such as follow and unfollow, post scheduling, comment management, etc.

Equipped with powerful filters, they allow you to follow the best accounts in order to increase your audience in a relevant way.

Thanks to Instazood, you can schedule messages to automatically send to you your followers, but also to those who do not follow you. Plus, you can organize all conversations in one place through the single comment feed.

Instazood is a bot that we highly recommend. It is a simple, comprehensive and very effective tool. You can buy it from $9.99/months


The FollowAdder bot is a very useful tool for the active management of an Instagram business account. It is one of the most complete Instagram bots and offers you a wide range of advantageous and flexible possibilities.

Through this bot, you can get real followers who are interested in your account by activating the automated functions of subscription, unsubscribe, likes and unlikes. In addition, the bot offers you the possibility to filter the accounts of interest that you always want to follow, those that you never want to follow and the accounts that can be managed by bots.

You can control how often content is uploaded to your account, automate direct messages, and even benefit from niche searches from the bot based on photo hashtags. All features are adjustable according to your wants and needs.You can track, thanks to the bot’s platform, the activity and statistics relating to its use for your professional activity. You only really pay if, beyond the trial period, you haven’t cancelled your bot subscription.

The advantages of this bot:

  • free trial valid for 7 days;
  • Free and very responsive customer support;
  • Simple platform that offers easy handling;
  • Options can be fully configured.

The disadvantages of the bot:

  • the bot is written entirely in English, which can make it difficult to use for people who do not understand this language;
  • The sum of 49 euros is debited from your payment account as soon as you start a trial, which suggests that the free trial period is not really one.


We had the opportunity to test Combin some time ago. It is a bot that is particularly suitable for Instagram. In general, social media automation software can be used on any type of network. But Combin is a particular bot that serves to automate only an Instagram account.

It is a solution that makes it possible to carry out most of the actions that we expect from an effective Instagram bot:

  • search for relevant posts using hashtags;
  • search for followers based on the themes addressed on your account;
  • classic features like Follow/unfollow, Automatic Likes;
  • Opportunities to have multiple accounts.

Nevertheless, Combin is a bot that costs a bit because its basic formula starts from 12 € / month.

Common questions about Instagram bots

Is an Instagram bot illegal?

Indeed, Instagram is fighting against Instagram bots. The company had to close a lot of automation services such as Instaplus, Instagress, Peerboost, etc. Why is that? It is taken into account as spam by the company hence it is contrary to their terms of use.

How can I prevent my account from being deleted?

Indeed, making use of the bot exposes you to certain dangers. This is obvious if you suddenly follow 2000 accounts and like 500 posts, your account may be banned quickly.

The use of bots has spread very quickly over time. You have already noticed it: when you publish a photo followed by a lot of hashtags, you get in return multiple reactions and followers that are usually “abusive”.

There are several strategies that can help you fly under the radar. The latter aim to copy as much as possible a natural habit, that is to say that of being a human. Here are our strategies:

1. Evolve in crescendo

Start by following 100 to 200 accounts per day. Then as your number of subscribers increases, gradually increase. Subsequently, you can go at cruising speed by following 300/350 subscriptions per day. However, without being abusive.

2. Like several posts at the same time as the follow

To maximize your chances of being followed back, like 2-3 photos of the accounts you follow.

3. Deactivate your bot during off-peak hours

Many people consider nights and weekends as moments of inactivity. The majority of people sleep or party during these times.

4. Write descriptions that drive engagement

For example, you can ask your audience questions, asking for their opinion on a topic.

Is using an Instagram bot really used and ethical?

Each person will have his opinion on the questioning. Being experts in web marketing we know that automating a task allows you to “scale” your activity.

You no longer need to spend enough time following and liking accounts manually. The robot is designed to do this job for you. It is for this reason that we believe that the use of an Instagram bot is completely normal and even logical.

As for its importance, we firmly believe that a bot will be very useful, even indispensable for you, if Instagram is an activity that generates revenue for you. However, remember that the best way to attract people to your account is to publish quality content.

Instagram bot and buying likes/followers: same thing?

There is no connection between buying likes or followers and using an Instagram bot. As for the first, this will allow you to artificially boost your account with an account without any commitment. On the other hand, the second, if used very efficiently will help you grow organically by increasing followers liking your proposed content.

It is important to us to specify that obtaining an engaged and loyal audience depends above all on the proper use of your bot. Target only followers based on an account identical to yours, follow the best hashtags, places, etc. All this is possible thanks to a good marketing strategy, more than just the use of an automation instrument.

Do I have to use a proxy to use an Instagram bot?

Indeed, there are some Instagram bots that do not give a proxy with your subscription. Acquiring a proxy depends on you whether it is free or not. Among the different tools offered at the beginning of this article, it is only Instaboss that makes your life easier by including a proxy in its offer.

How to run your Instagram bot 24 hours a day?

Thanks to a Virtual Private Server (VPS), you can make your robot work permanently. To do this, you have the option to use a free Windows VPS when you only have a few accounts to automate.


Managing an Instagram account is all about permanently searching for followers, boosting account visibility, and producing interesting content in order to stay active and engaging. Instagram bots (Jeffrey, Boost Your Moment, Social Captain and FollowAdder) make these tasks much easier, whether you need to manage a single account or multiple business accounts.

They allow you to automate all your recurring actions on Instagram and allow you to spend more time creating content. Easy to use, they have individual specificities likely to seduce you, according to your preferences.