Lose weight effectively? We'll explain how!



Lose weight effectively? We'll explain how!

Does losing weight or maintaining your weight seem difficult to you? To lose weight and stay slim, there is no miracle diet. The watchword: strategy and food diary!

Lose weight effectively

You lose weight when your daily calorie intake is less than your daily calorie expenditure . In other words, you should eat less than your body needs. We recommend a daily calorie deficit of 300 to 500 kcal. But then why aren't we all thin or at our ideal weight?

Well, because things are not that simple . Many factors can sabotage your weight loss. In this article, we will show you how to lose weight effectively !

The facts: To lose 1 kilo of body fat, you have to do without 7,000 calories!

When it comes to effective weight loss, supplements can play a supportive role in your journey. Our Metaboliser Shape Caps are formulated to boost your metabolism and energy levels, helping to burn calories.

It all starts in the head

The most important thing is your state of mind! The “why” is your motivation! Why do you want to lose weight? If you don't have an answer to this question, then you're guaranteed to fail. Finding the answer allows you to establish the will and motivation to lose weight . Of course, this choice is entirely personal, and should not be influenced by anyone other than yourself.

two hands, one holding strawberries, the other holding chocolate
©Chris Ryan

Define your goal

Have you found your motivation? Now it's time to set your goal. Do you want to finally fit into those awesome pants you bought six months ago that are still a little small ? Do you want to lose your beer belly? Or do you simply want to slip back into your favorite little dress that suited you so well before pregnancy? Define your goal! With a goal that you can achieve, it will be easier for you to stay disciplined and not give up.

Getting started: calculating your calorie needs

Now that you have defined your slimming goal, you must achieve it. One of the most important aspects is your calorie balance .

The first thing to do is calculate your calorie needs. But what are calorie requirements? Your daily calorie needs are made up of 3 elements :

Calorie needs (the total) = basal metabolism + energy expenditure at work + energy expenditure in your free time.

  • Basal metabolism = the calories you would need if you stayed in bed for 24 hours without moving. The basic metabolism varies depending on the sex, age, height and musculature of the person.
  • Energy expenditure at work = calories spent at work. A mason, for example, will need more calories than an office worker.
  • Energy expenditure during free time = more larva or more sporty in your free time?

Editor's tip: Do you know your daily calorie needs? Do you know how to determine your calorie deficit? To find out, you can use our free calorie calculator .CALCULATE YOUR CALORIE NEEDS

To create a calorie deficit, you have two options:

  • You can consume fewer calories by changing your diet . Your calorie deficit should not exceed 500 kcal/day to stay healthy.
  • You can increase your calorie needs by doing more exercise (at work and in your free time), playing more sports , or increasing your workout.
two people eating burgers

Spread your daily calories over your meals throughout the day . At this level, there is no good or bad distribution. Whether you eat 5 meals or just 1, whether you eat a big breakfast and a small dinner or the other way around. What's important is your calorie balance at the end of the day. A burger won't automatically ruin your diet, just like a salad won't immediately make you feel slim.

Which path to choose: food change or diet?

Diets are only effective temporarily and usually cause the yo-yo effect . Whether you follow a low carb diet, cabbage soup or other, at the end of the “miracle” diet you will often regain the lost pounds. In the worst case, you will gain even more pounds than before the diet.

For what ? Because after a diet, you go back to your old eating habits. You eat too much, you eat anything and you get fat again. Frustration makes you fall into a vicious circle of alternating diet and yo-yo effect.

plate containing a fork and two peas

Be patient! To lose weight effectively and sustainably , it takes time. You will have more success in the long term if you change and adapt your diet . There are also several possibilities here . No matter what type of diet you choose, you will need to follow the following basic principles:

  1. Optimal nutrient intake for your body
  2. Sufficient fruits and vegetables
  3. Enough calories (too little is not good)
  4. Enough protein
  5. Don't starve
  6. Don't forbid yourself everything
  7. Treat yourself (sweets, etc.) in moderation

Track your diet and weight loss via a food diary

Now that you know how many calories you need and which meals you distribute them over, you need to put your plan into action. But do you really know how many calories you consume each day? To find out, you can use a food diary to help you. Our free food log helps you check what you're eating, stay motivated and get an idea of ​​the calories you're consuming.FREE LOGBOOK

We advise you to complete your food diary for 2 to 6 weeks . For the first few days, you will only need to record what you eat and how much. After a week, you can start calculating calories for each day. And now ? Now you have to compare all of this with your calorie balance. Are we good? Is the calorie deficit between 300 and 500?

young woman filling out her food diary on a cafe terrace
©Cavan Images

Now let's talk about gradually changing your diet. Here too, your food diary allows you to keep an overview of your diet. With time and practice, you will have a good idea of ​​proportions, calories and what a healthy diet is. Once you have integrated all of this, you will no longer need your food diary to help you lose weight.

Editor's tip: If you want to start rebalancing your diet, why not do our free Body Check ? In just a few minutes, you will discover your BMI, your nutritional needs and our foodspring advice to achieve your goal. Isn't life good?


Play sports, exercise and train

By doing more sport (weight training, cardio) or moving more every day, you can burn more calories . At the same time, you build muscle and refine your body.

Sports and training can also have a positive effect on your stress level. Stress often hinders us when we want to lose weight and physical activity reduces the stress hormone .

flat stomach of a woman

Sport allows you to empty the energy reserves of your muscles This energy comes from the carbohydrates you consume . By burning this energy through physical activity, you will have almost no unused carbohydrates left and they will therefore not turn into fat .

Do you want to lose weight effectively, in the long term? We advise you to do sports or physical activity 2-3 times a week to lose weight more easily.

13 pitfalls to avoid when losing weight

It's the little grains of sand that derail the gears. Or in our case, maybe the little grains of sugar? To lose weight effectively, you also need to pay attention to the little things. These details that we don't necessarily think about, but which prevent us from losing weight.

If you're looking to lose weight effectively, incorporating protein shakes into your routine can be a game-changer. Our Shape Shake 2.0 is specially designed to support weight loss goals, providing a delicious and filling option that keeps you full.

Trap #1: Beware of unattainable goals

Goals that you can't achieve will only demotivate you. You can't lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks. Losing weight takes time. Give yourself achievable goals.

Trap #2: Watch out for calories in drinks

Reserve your calories for solid food. Drinking calories won't fill you up. Instead, drink water, tea or sugar-free drinks.

Trap #3: Be careful not to eat more than you should

As a child, you couldn't leave the table until you finished your plate? You can forget this bad habit. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Save leftovers for the next meal or the next day. Also don't eat out of boredom or out of desire.

Trap #5: Pay attention to the foods you eat

vegetable platter
©Claudia Totir

Try replacing small, high-calorie foods with large, low-calorie foods. This way, you can eat more to feel full while still losing weight. Large, low-calorie foods include:

  • the salad
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • pumpkin
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • the courgette
  • cauliflower
  • asparagus
  • peppers
  • the mushrooms
  • berries
  • the watermelon
  • papaya

Trap #5: Be careful to drink enough water

Drink a glass of water regularly. Thirst is often confused with hunger.

Trap #6: Be careful not to eat out of habit

It's systematic, you buy popcorn to watch a movie at the cinema, or you watch series at home with chips... It's this kind of bad eating habits that can block effective weight loss. Avoid snacking when you're not hungry, or try replacing your usual snacks with healthy snacks.

Editor's tip: Want a healthy snack? Try our Crunchy Fruits . A snack packed with vitamins with pineapple and strawberries.

Trap #7: Be careful not to eat your emotions

So yes, it's easier said than done, but eating won't solve your problems . Chocolate or chips will make you happy for a short while, but soon the worries and problems will resurface. And you will have a guilty conscience on top of that. It's at these times that you need to remind yourself of your weight loss motivation and show discipline.

woman sitting on the floor, fridge open, stuffing herself with pastries

Trap #8: Be careful not to eat too quickly

Chew and eat mindfully. Take the time to savor what you eat. It takes your body about 20 minutes before the feeling of fullness sets in. If you devour a pizza in 15 minutes, your body won't have time to say “stop”.

Trap #9: Beware of hidden calories

“A little salad, please.” » A salad can't be more healthy, right? And the vinaigrette that goes with it? A good fatty mayo sauce. Ah, the salad could be healthy! Watch out for hidden calories that take you by surprise. Alcohol and low-fat products can also be high-calorie traps.

Trap #10: Be careful not to go shopping hungry and without a list

Make a shopping list. Think about what you are going to eat in the next few days and plan your meals. Only buy what's on your list. Above all, don't go shopping when you're hungry!

couple shopping, shopping cart full of vegetables

Trap #11: Be careful not to weigh yourself every day

Your weight loss success shouldn't be limited to the numbers on your scale. Your weight varies every day, sometimes by a few kilos. You can be “heavy” without being “overweight”, especially if you play sports. If you burn fat and build muscle at the same time, the weight on the scale can stagnate. It is better to take your measurements (waist, chest, hip, etc.) or weigh yourself once a week.

Trap No. 12: Be careful not to stress too much about your weight loss

When losing weight, there are always ups and downs. One day you have a great week, the next thing you know, you're going to stagnate. This is completely normal. Stay the course and don’t stress yourself! Stress will slow down your weight loss and cause food cravings. Treat yourself once in a while and in a reasonable way, and don't be too hard on yourself.

Trap #13: Be careful to get enough sleep

At night, the body produces leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite. If you sleep too little, you will be super hungry the next day. Try to go to bed early and sleep for 7-8 hours.

How to lose weight effectively: our conclusion

  • Your motivation is essential, as is your state of mind, to lose weight effectively and sustainably.
  • Define your goal!
  • Calculate your calorie needs
  • Keep a food diary
  • Do sports 2-3 times a week
  • Avoid the pitfalls that slow weight loss