Core training: Work your core with an abdominal wheel



Core training: Work your core with an abdominal wheel

Leg lifts, crunches, planks , Russian twists … Abdominal training programs are becoming more and more versatile and functional. The same goes for accessories, the queen of which is the abdominal wheel or ab roller. This small sports accessory can help you in your goal of getting a six pack , as long as you use it by performing the technique well, which will also help you avoid unwanted injuries.

Although it is such a small and simple object, you will find several types of models. The main thing is that you find one that gives you some stability, but at the same time unbalances you during the movement, so that it has an effect when training the stabilizers of the abdominals and  obliques. It may seem more complicated than it is, but in the end, an abdominal wheel is nothing other than a wheel crossed by a bar that you hold in your hands.

Some basic concepts

Of course, before you start warming up your abs , remember some basic concepts of workout programs: Exercising a lot won't get you the best results. Like any other muscle, the abs grow with rest. This means that you should not work them more than 3 times a week, ensuring that there is always 1 or 2 days of rest between one session and another. In addition, change exercises, surprise the muscle and focus on a program that includes isometric planks, leg raises and other abdominal exercises that can complement the use of the ab wheel. More your abs workoutthe better! In fact, you should know that none of these exercises is better than the others. Thus, a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training analyzed 10 men and 13 women performing different abdominal exercises (including the abdominal wheel), to conclude that their effectiveness is very similar.

The best thing about the ab wheel is that you can train the entire core: abs, glutes, lower back and obliques. Of course, it is only effective if used correctly. If you push with your arms instead of using your abs, or if you gain momentum to swing forward, you will decrease the effectiveness of the exercise. It is an exercise that must be performed little by little, without forcing, and progressing little by little. The mistake many people make when starting with the ab wheel is stretching too much. To avoid injury and lower back pain, especially at first, just go as far down as you can without straining, and continue to push yourself a little more each time until you are able to touch the ground with your chin.


Take it little by little…

Tips ? There are several. The first, for example, would be to use the ab wheel  on a bench inclined at 30 degrees. Standing next to the bench with your glutes and abs engaged, slowly roll the wheel onto your back of the bench for about 10 reps. Keep your back straight at all times. Once you start using the abdominal wheel directly on the floor, go little by little, without forcing yourself and with a mat under your knees so as not to hurt yourself. The idea is to go up and down as slowly as possible to get your core activated.

Once you have control of the movement, you can try doing the same movement, but in a standing position, supporting yourself only with your tiptoes and stretching your entire body. Only for the most experienced!

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